RadioNyne is a 22 year old rapper/songwriter from Jacksonville
Florida, who currently resides in Germantown Maryland. He was
born on June 28, 1993, and his passion for music and writing
began when he was 15 years old, where he began writing his own
lyrics for instrumental beats.
After the discovery for his passion, he became involved with the
art of freestyle, which led to his pursuit for hip hop music -
nothing could detour this found passion and his further
involvement with the art of hip hop music.
Radio aims to be versatile with his music; performing free verses,
weekly 16's on social media, to performing covers and originals.
He finished his first mixtape, Radioflow, back in October 2013.
Receiving positive feedback from his first released mixtape, he is
now currently working on his next project (Focus).
He would like future listeners of his music to know, that while the
project is still in development, it will be worth the wait.
Radio believes in being versatile with his music, having a “no
limits” mentality, so he can be open to, and be apart of, new and
creative sounds that attribute to art.
For the rest of 2015, Radio's goals are focused on releasing more
content on a more consistent basis, to give the opportunity of
sharing his story and growth with the public on his journey into a
focused career of being an artist.
Radio is always eager to interact with the community and work
with other artist who share similar messages and vibes in music.
Such individuals are encouraged to reach out to Radio, which can